The Best Green Juice Powder for Those Days When You Need Something Quick & Easy
The juice from green vegetables is incredibly nutritious and houses powerful health and healing benefits.
While it is of course ideal to consume fresh green juice on a daily basis, we all know that sometimes, this just isn’t possible, and life can get in the way.
This doesn’t have to mean that green juice is totally out of the picture, however!
Green juice powders are an excellent alternative to the real deal and can come in great handy on those days when you need something quick and easy to take the place of your fresh green juice.
Here we will explore the very best green juice powder product that I have found.
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My Favorite Green Juice Powder I’ve Ever Used
Including green juice in your daily routine is an excellent way to acquire a wide variety of key nutrients that our bodies rely on to function properly and to stay well. Green juice is also particularly helpful for improving energy levels and supporting the body’s detoxification systems.
I’ve tried a good amount of green juice powders in my quest to find the most nutrient packed product that is also organic, high quality, and contains mostly vegetable ingredients as opposed to lots of fruit to avoid the extra sugar.
I use this on days when making fresh juice just isn’t in the cards and it provides an excellent alternative.
Out of all of those that I have tried, this one stood out, and remains part of my supplement rotation and wellness routine today.
One of the biggest factors for me in finding natural health products to use is that they are free from all common allergens.
Because of the health conditions that I have had, I have many sensitivities and have to be mindful of what types of products I use.
This product contains only simple, pure ingredients and I’ve tolerated it very well.
Uni Key Health Organic Daily Greens Formula
I’ve been using Uni Key products and supplements since the very beginnings of my healing journey, around 11 years ago.
Uni Key was founded by James Templeton, who used natural healing methods to heal himself from cancer.
Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, has been Uni Key’s main brand ambassador since its origin and participates in the formulation of their products. She is a renowned nutritionist and author who has done a tremendous amount of advancing work in the natural health field.
Uni Key Daily Greens Formula is an organic, vegan, non-GMO greens powder that contains a powerful mix of some of the most nutrient packed green vegetable superfoods.
Its ingredients include:
- Alfalfa grass
Alfalfa grass is anti-inflammatory, blood sugar balancing, and rich in chlorophyll which purifies and oxygenates the blood and helps to support detoxification.
- Wheat grass
Wheat grass is a superfood that is anti-inflammatory and rich in vitamins A, C, E, and B complex as well as magnesium, calcium, and iron. It is also rich in all 20 amino acids, enzymes, chlorophyll, and glutathione which is the body’s “master antioxidant.”
- Barley grass
Barley grass is anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants, chlorophyll, enzymes, flavonoids, and polyphenols. It is also high in vitamins K, C, and A which support bone health, immune health, and liver health. Barley grass is also soothing to the gut.
It is also a rich source of vitamin B12 and protein, making it a great addition to any vegetarian eating plan. It is also very alkalizing which means it helps to balance your body’s pH and reduce acidity.
It is also super high in iron, potassium, and calcium. Barley grass contains more calcium than a glass of milk! 🙂
- Kale
Kale is rich in fiber and magnesium which is foundational to our health and helps to support the stress response. It is also high in vitamin C which helps support the immune system and the adrenal glands.
- Parsley
Parsley helps to support heart health and is rich in vitamins K and C. It is also high in antioxidants.
- Broken cell chlorella
Chlorella is an algae that is considered a superfood. It is high in protein, antioxidants, chlorophyll, and can be used as a binder to remove toxins and impurities from the body. It is also rich in fiber, iron, and B complex vitamins.
“Broken cell” refers to the cell wall being cracked, which allows for all of the nutrients and healing properties to be accessed.
- Oat grass
Oat grass helps to speed wound healing and supports the body’s detoxification systems.
- Collard greens
Collard greens are an excellent source of vitamins K, C, A, and B9 (folate). They are also high in fiber and antioxidants.
- Spinach
Spinach is a great source of iron, magnesium, and vitamin E which is a potent antioxidant and supports skin health.
- Celery
Celery is anti-inflammatory and helps reduce blood pressure. It is also high in antioxidants, and vitamins K, B9 (folate), and calcium.
- Broccoli sprouts
Broccoli sprouts help to support the liver, have antibacterial properties, and help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
Each batch of Daily Greens Formula also undergoes strict third party testing to confirm its purity and potency.
There is a scoop that is included in the container which measures about 7 grams. The recommended use is to mix 1 scoop into a liquid of your choice, stir, and enjoy!
I usually add 1 scoop to a glass of room temperature water with a dash of organic apple cider vinegar and about a teaspoon of organic lemon juice in the mornings. I love starting the day that way and you can feel the boost in energy shortly after drinking it.
It has a pleasant, fresh taste.
This greens formula has also helped to improve my digestion, reduce bloating, and is a super powerful part of my immune system supporting approach.
This has also been a great help in my multfactorial balancing and detoxification approach in healing from Copper Toxicity.
Daily Greens Formula is free of sugar, dairy, artificial ingredients, salt, corn, and soy.
Also, regarding gluten, although the name contains the word “wheat,” wheat grass and barley grass do not contain gluten. Gluten is not found within the stem or grass leaves of these plants, which is what is used to make this product.
I am severely sensitive to gluten and this product and those below are 100% tolerable for me.
Click here to check out the Daily Greens Formula.
Use code healing10 for 10% off of your order at Uni Key Health
In Closing…
Using superior quality, well-formulated green juice powders is an excellent way to ensure you are still acquiring the powerful health and healing properties of green juice on those days when you need a quick and easy alternative.
All of these products are the best of the best and are a worthy addition to your health and wellness routine.