Category: General Integrative Health Info

Integrative Health Definition: A Personalized Inclusive Approach

There are a wide variety of modalities within all forms of healthcare that have a place depending on the unique and varying components of each individual case. Integrative health bridges the gap between the different sectors of healthcare to provide an all-inclusive form of care. Here we will explore...

What to Expect at a Natural Health Practice + Tips for Your Appointments

Most natural health medical practices and offices operate in a way that is reflective of the core tenets of natural health, as your appointments will be comprised of several key elements. If you are new to natural health, or are just embarking on your own natural healing journey, you...

Types of Natural Health Practitioners

A very important element of navigating your healing journey is finding the most appropriate health practitioner for your unique healthcare needs. It can be a bit confounding trying to decipher all of the different professions within the integrative health field, and to try to make sense of the alphabet...

What is Natural Health?

“Natural health” is a broad term that refers to a wide variety of healing methodologies, modalities, principles, and paradigms. While there are indeed different forms of natural medicine, which we will discuss in this article, there are several commonalities amongst most forms that make up the core tenets of...